Securing the Future of Landwell

Landwell needs your support to protect, restore, and preserve this 22-acre land we steward in Sebastopol, CA.

Help us raise the remaining 700K of our 3.4M goal so that we can acquire the land title by June 2024 and place it into trust.

We're not just preserving land; our place-based experiment is nurturing a movement that responds to the global polycrisis.


Landwell has cultivated important relationships within a potent ecosystem of bioregion-focused agencies, indigenous wisdom keepers, and inhabitants of the living land. This includes our valued partners: LIVING LANDS TRUST, who will steward the title of Landwell; RSF SOCIAL FINANCE, who is bringing values-aligned lending to Landwell’s housing cooperative; SONOMA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION AND OPEN SPACE, who will help protect the land and waters through purchasing an easement; GOLD RIDGE RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT, who we are partnering with to bring the salmon back to Jonive Valley; and the ATASCADERO/GREEN VALLEY WATERSHED COUNCIL, who is one of our many allies and public education partners. These partnerships have helped put Landwell in the position of actualizing our full vision.



As we enter a crucial fundraising phase to attain the remaining 700K of our 3.4M goal, we seek donors willing to commit between 10K and 100K or more before our public crowdfunding campaign launch on March 27th


Join our March 27th launch online with a special concert by Landwell Artists-In-Residence, MAMUSE and guests and give through our GoFundMe campaign!

Your contribution matters. Help safeguard this sanctuary! Donations of $100,000 or more will be commemorated through lasting installations and programs.

Become a Guardian of the Grove

Landwell is more than a place; it's a visionary project of continual learning and success. For the last several years, it has been a hub for regenerative living, cultural innovation, and community resilience.
Residents and visitors alike come to Landwell and immediately breathe more deeply, walk more mindfully, and feel transformed by the deep holding this land, grove, and community, offers.

Help Protect and Preserve Landwell

In addition to the gifts of Nature, Landwell is also a place that Nurtures. We offer transformative and creative workshops, gatherings, concerts and events for the local community and beyond. The projects being housed and nurtured here make Landwell a potent regional cultural innovation and resilience hub.

In a time of conflict, chaos, commercialism and overdevelopment, Landwell is a sanctuary for learning, creating and co-regulating. We are committed to bringing healing and liberation for our communities, but more importantly - to this land, this sacred Grove of trees, and our watershed.

Your donation will help us cross the finish line of seven years of dedicated work to reach this point of opportunity - to liberate the land, restore the watershed, nurture the soil and all living things on this land, and help us to sustain and expand the programs we offer to the community.